主晨星耶穌在聖靈感動說,你看過了本網站後,都是有福的,因為天國就近了。請跟我作以下的祈禱:「我們是按上帝的形象被造的,我們的靈也是從上帝而來 ,所以我愛上帝天父,我屬上帝天父以至歸於上帝,在天父與主耶穌基督的恩典下,成為了神的兒女。我相信上帝的兒子曾到了世上,為救贖了我,赦免了我的 罪,被釘在十字架上,除去了我的罪惡,今天我要悔改歸向你,成為天父的兒女。感謝天父,感謝我主,晨星耶穌基督成為我在天國的家,永生基督成為我在地 上的家。哈利路亞!阿門!」我們每星期至少更新文章一次

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Jeane Dixon saw 1962 born a God-Man 列印 E-mail
作者是 神的靈在光星啟示   
週一, 15 六月 2020 11:53

Jeane Dixon saw  a  God- Man born  in 1962

A child, born somewhere in the Middle East Shortly after 7 A.M.

(EST) on February 5, 1962,will revoluTionize the world. Before

the close of the century, he will Bring together all mankind in one

all-embracing faith.






The vision which Jeane considers to be the most significant

And soul-stirring of her life occurred shortly before sunrise on

February 5, 1962. The date itself may have special signifi-

Cance, though Jeane was unaware of that fact at the time. For

Several months beforehand astrologers and soothsayers had

Been predicting an earth-shaking event on that day — some

Even forecast the end of the world— because of a rare conjunc-

Tion of the planets. A similar memorial which occurred

Nearly two thousand years ago is believed by some biblical

Scholars to explain the “bright star in the east” which dazzled

Shepherds and guided three Wise Men to a humble manger

Behind a crowded inn in Bethlehem.

Three nights before Jeane’s vision she was meditating in

Her room when she became aware that the light was dim-

Ming. Glancing up, she saw the five bulbs in the crystal

Chandelier go dark, except for a curious round ball which


Glowed brilliantly in the center of each. Strangely frightened,

She ran into her husband's bedroom and told him of the light

Failure. Since their other house lights were working properly,

Mr. Dixon modified that a fuse for one circuit had blown, but

When he started down the hall to investigate he noticed that

Jeane’s chandelier was was burning bright brightly.

The next evening during her meditations the phenom-

Enon recurred. This time Jeane remained quietly in her

Room, staring at the tiny balls of light in the otherwise dark-

Ened bulbs. In Separate ten seconds, she says, she heard

"a tiny crackling sound." The wires in the clear bulbs then

Began to glow again, and normal light resumed. When the

Performance was repeated exactly as before on the third eve-

Ning, Jeane accepted it as an omen that something important

Was soon to befall. She did not know when or where. The

Next morning she overslept, but the sun was not yet as up she

Walked toward the bay window of her bedroom, which faces


As she gazed outside she saw, not the bare-limbed trees and

City street below, but a bright blue sky above a barren desert.

Just above the horizon was the brightest sun that she had ever

Seen, glowing like a golden ball. Splashing from the orb in

Every direction were brilliant rays which seemed to be draw-

Ing the earth toward it like a magnet. Stepping out of the

Brightness of the sun's rays, hand in hand, were a Pharaoh

And Queen Nefertiti. Cradled in the Queen's other arm was a

Baby, his ragged, soiled clothing in startling contrast to the

Gorgeously arrayed royal couple. “The eyes of this children

(guangxing HENRY) were All-knowing," Jeane says softly.

"They were full of wisdom And knowledge."

A little to one side of Queen Nefertiti, Jeane could glimpse

a pyramid. While she watched entranced, the couple advanced

Toward her and thrust forth the baby, as if offering it to

The entire world. Within the ball of the sun, Jeane saw

Joseph guiding the tableau like a puppeteer pulling strings.


Pharaoh and Queen Nefertiti mean

President and wife President of United States.

A pyramid is in United States see One Dollar Bill


Now, rays of light burst forth from the baby, blending with

Those of the sun and obliterating the Pharaoh from her sight.

Off to the left, she observed that Queen Nefertiti was walking

Away, “thousands of miles into the past.” The Queen paused

Beside a large brown water jug, and as she stooped and

Cupped her hands to drink she was stabbed in the back by a

Dagger. Jeane says that she “distinctly heard her death scream

As she vanished."


Henry  2007 in Taxes  ___ 2009 in Hawaii ____ 2011 in California

There three Crosses .

2019 build-The World number one Edict God Stone Plate

Jeane shifted her gaze back to the baby (guang xing HENRY).

He had by now Grown to manhood, and a small cross which

formed above Him began to expand until it "dripped over the

earth in all Directions. Simultaneously, peoples of every race,

religion,And color (black, yellow, red, brown and white), each kneel-

Ing and lifting his arms in worshipful adoration, surrounded

Him. They were all as one." do previous visions, which

Had gradually faded away from Jeane, this one moved ever

Nearer until she seemed to be in the very midst of the action,

Joining in the adoring worship. "I felt like a tiny seed ready

To sprout and grow," she says, "but I was only one of millions

Of similar seeds. I knew within my heart, 'Here is the begin-

Ning of wisdom/ " The room was becoming dark again, and

Though she was still caught up in the spell of the vision, Jeane

Glanced automatically at her bedside clock. The time was

7:17 A.M.

What does it mean? What is the significance of this strange

Visitation on a dull February morning in Washington, a third

Of the way around the world from Egypt? Jeane feels that she

Has been shown that answer. A bit haltingly, she explains it

This way: “A child, born somewhere in the Middle East

Shortly after 7 A.M. (EST) on February 5, 1962, will revolu-

Tionize the world. Before the close of the century he will

Bring together all mankind in one all-embracing faith. This

Will be the foundation of a new Christianity, with every sect

And creed united through this man who will walk among the

People to spread the wisdom of the Almighty Power.


“This person, though born of humble peasant origin, is a

Descendant of Queen Nefertiti and her Pharaoh husband; of

This I am sure. There was nothing kingly about his coming-

No kings or shepherds to do homage to this newborn baby—

But he is the answer to the prayers of a troubled world. Man-

Kind will begin to feel the great force of this man in the early

I98o’s, and during the ten years the world as we

Know it will be reshaped and revamped into one without

Wars or suffering. His power will remain greatly until 1999, at

Which time the peoples of this earth will probably discovei

The full meaning of the vision/'

Attempting to describe her own sensation, Jeane says: "1

Felt suspended and enfolded, as if I were surrounded by

Whipped cream. For the first time I understood the full

Meaning of the biblical phrase, ‘My cup runneth over/ I

Loved all mankind. I felt that I would never again need food

Or sleep, because I had enjoyed perfect peace."

As a reporter, I felt there were questions that must be

Asked. How could she be sure that the queen in her vision

Was Nefertiti? Who was the Pharaoh who disappeared back

Into the sun? Why was Joseph in the vision? Jeane could

Answer only in part. She said that she admitted Nefertiti

From a small bust of the famed Egyptian Queen, which a

Friend once brought to her from Cairo. She “knew” that the

Pharaoh was married to Nefertiti but had no idea of ​​his name

Or identity. Joseph seemed to be controlling the couple and

Inducing them to present the child to the world, but she did

Not know why.

Baffled by the meaning of the strangely compelling vision,

I consulted the Old Testament to jog my memory about Jo-

Seph. I recalled, of course, that as the favorite son of Jacob he

Had been sold into Egyptian bondage by jealous older broth-

Ers. I knew that final he saved his family from starva-

Tion, when famine came, but beyond that . . . . what? Turning



To Genesis, I read that “hidden things were revealed to him”

And he was able to “interpret dreams.” Because of this, a

Grateful Pharaoh made him governor of all Egypt and pre-

Sented him with a wife, Asenath, whose father Potipherah

Was an influential priest.

So Joseph could understand mysterious meanings and inter-

Pret dreams! I next turned to the Encyclopaedia Britannica

And learned that Nefertiti was the wife of Pharaoh Amen*

Hotep IV who, after abandoning the worship of Amon,

"devoted himself to that of the Aton (the solar disk)." He

Articles changed his name to Ikhnaton and built a new

Capital dedicated to worship of the sun on the banks of the

Nile above Cairo. Archaeological evidence suggested that

Nefertiti was also an “ardent supporter of the Aton (sun

Worship) religion.” They had seven daughters but no sons.

Suddenly I realized how strange it was that Jeane Dixon, who

Was totally unaware that Nefertiti and her husband had wor-

Shiped the sun, nevertheless “saw” them stepping forth from

The solar disk in a vision.


To Genesis, I read that “hidden things were revealed to him”

And he was able to “interpret dreams.” Because of this, a

Grateful Pharaoh made him governor of all Egypt and pre-

Sented him with a wife, Asenath, whose father Potipherah

Was an influential priest.

So Joseph could understand mysterious meanings and inter-

Pret dreams! I next turned to the Encyclopaedia Britannica

And learned that Nefertiti was the wife of Pharaoh Amen*

Hotep IV who, after abandoning the worship of Amon,

"devoted himself to that of the Aton (the solar disk)." He

Articles changed his name to Ikhnaton and built a new

Capital dedicated to worship of the sun on the banks of the

Nile above Cairo. Archaeological evidence suggested that

Nefertiti was also an “ardent supporter of the Aton (sun

Worship) religion.” They had seven daughters but no sons.

Suddenly I realized how strange it was that Jeane Dixon, who

Was totally unaware that Nefertiti and her husband had wor-

Shiped the sun, nevertheless “saw” them stepping forth from

The solar disk in a vision.


Recent generations have marveled at the farsightedness of

The Victorian poet, Alfred Tennyson, who wrote in Locksley


For I dipped into the future, far as human eye could see,

Saw the Vision of the world, and all the wonder that would be;

Saw the heavens fill with commerce, argosies of magic sails.

Pilots of the purple twilight, dropping down with costly bales;

Heard the heavens fill with shouting, and there rain'd a ghastly


From the nations’ airy navies grappling in the central blue.

Far along the world-wide whisper of the southwind rushing

Warm,With the standards of the peoples plunging through the

Thunderstorm;Till the war drum throbbed no longer and the battle flags were Furled In the Parliament of man, the Federation of the world. When these prophetic words were written in 1842 the air-

Plane had yet to be invented; yet Tennyson seemingly fore-

Saw the twentieth century’s world commerce in air traffic, a


Rain of destruction such as that dropped from planes over

Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and “nations’ airy navies” fighting

Wars with bombers high above the earth. Who, then, can

Gainsay his further vision of a time when the roll of war

Drums will be silenced and peace will return through a Parli-

Ament of man?

Jeane Dixon foresees that this peace for which long

Will dawn in the year 1999, but not before a world holocaust

Has shocked mankind into spiritual renewal. Some of her

Long-range predictions for the remainder of the century are


* Our two biggest headaches will be the racial problem

And Red China. Through the latter’s subversion and med-

Dling in the racial strife, numerous African and Asian nations

Will turn against us and provoke a world war in the decade of

The 1980s. Vietnam and Korea will lead us into this “inevita-

Ble" war with the Red Chinese.

* History will demonstrate that the test-ban treaty is bad

For America and will be used against us. It is in our national

Interest to trade with Russia, although until the 1980s

Trade will benefit the Kremlin more than us. Then will come

a turning point, and we will align ourselves with Russia in

The war against Red China.

* Red China will invade Russian territory, but this will be

a border skirmish and will not ignite the later war to come,

In which Red China will wage “germ warfare.” In this period

Late in the century the Davis Straits will become an American

"life line."

* American officials and scientists are mistakenly shelving

"a baby missile which is approximately eighteen inches long,

Dark green or black in color, shaped like an elongated bal-

Loon." About 1970 this missile, which is small enough to be

Carried on a battlefield by two or three soldiers, will be criti-

Cally needed for the protection of our country but will not be

Available. Two other missiles, “one shaped like a miniature.

182  A GIFT OF PROPHECY  last page

The Middle Eastern child whose birth she “witnessed in the vision with Queen Nefertiti” on February 5, 1962, will unite all warring Creeds and sects into one all-embracing faith. Mankind, Jeane Dixon has said, will begin to feel the

Great force of this man about 1980, and his power Mightily” until 1999, when there will be “peace on earth to All men of good will.”



Jeane has won international renown as a crystal-gazer. Less

well known is the fact that some of her more remarkable

unfoldments have been revealed by unsought visions. Since

early childhood she has grown accustomed to odd glimpses of

tomorrow, but four distinct visions experienced in recent

years fit into a mosaic which Jeane believes has enormous

significance for all mankind.

The first of these seemingly momentous visions occurred

shortly after midnight on July 14, 1952. Without it, she feels,

she would not have been able to interpret the more enlight-

ening visions that were to follow. Washington is humid in

midsummer, and Jeane had only a sheet across her body as

she lay in bed. She was drowsy but not asleep.

'‘Suddenly I could feel a physical motion against the mat-

tress, to the left of my head,” she recounts. “I rolled onto my

left side, facing the east, and as I did so I saw the body of a

snake. It was no bigger around than a garden hose, and I

could see neither its head nor its tail. I felt its powerful little

body twisting down the side of my bed and raising the corner

of the mattress at the foot. Then, though I seemed cloaked in


a substance as soft as eiderdown, I could feel its head nudg-

ing beneath my ankles, and its body growing larger as it

wrapped itself around my legs and hips.

“I was not frightened. I knew instinctively that I was to be

shown how little I understood about life. As the snake (xijinping) grad-

ually entwined itself around my chest I could see its head but

not its eyes. They were gazing toward the east, rather than at

me. By this time the snake was as big around as a man’s arm.

While I watched, it slowly turned its eyes and gazed into

mine. In them was the all-knowing wisdom of the ages. Al-

though the room had been in almost total darkness, it was

now bathed in brilliant light. The snake, vividly colored in

yellow and black, had great jowls shaped like miniature

pyramids. It did not speak, but I seemed to know that it was

telling me that I had much, much to learn.

“It turned its head, looking again to the east and then at

me, as if to say that I too must look to the east for God’s

wisdom and guidance. I sensed that it was telling me that if

my faith was great enough I could penetrate some of this

divine wisdom. I knew that I had God’s protection, for the

steady gaze of the reptile was permeated with love, goodness,

strength, and knowledge. A sense of ‘peace on earth, good

will toward men’ coursed through my being, I had a feeling

of suspension and yet of tremendous stability.

A purplish ray led from the bed to the window at the east, and as I

watched, the snake (xijinping) gradually withdrew toward my feet.

As silently as it came it left the bed and vanished to the right. I interpreted this to mean that we must look to the east for growth and to

the west for the ending of things. The brilliant illumination

faded and it was dark again in the room. I looked at the

radium dial on my bedside clock. The time was 3:14 A.M.”




Ually resumed its proper place high in the heavens. Even

The skeptics had to concede that something had interfered

With normal cosmic law. The prophecies revealed by the

Children before the untimely deaths of Jacinta and Francisco

Came to pass. Lucia joined a convent, and in 1927 she re-

Ported that Christ had appeared before her and asked that

One of his prophecies be kept secret until 1960. Sister Lucy

Sealed it in an envelope and reportedly conveyed it through

Church intermediaries to the Pope in Rome.

Catholics the world over eagerly awaited revelation of the

Prophecy, and in1960 Catholic information systems centers

Swamped with inquiries. For some reason unknown to lay-

Men, it has not yet been revealed. Jeane believes that the

Vision she saw at the end of 1958, foretelling the close of the

Papal reign of the Church within this century, was the same

As the “prophecy of Fatima/’ She feels that its

Was not disclosed to her, however, until more than three years





突然,我感到一股自然力直沖床墊,向我頭的左邊襲來,珍妮回憶說,我向左側轉過身去,面朝東方。這時,我看見一條蛇 (xijinping)的身子,與花園的水管一般粗。既看不見蛇頭,又看不見蛇尾。這時我感到它那有力的身體爬過床邊,撩起了我腳下床墊的一角。隨後我彷佛被包在一種像鴨絨被那樣軟的東西里,感到這條蛇的頭就在我的踝關節附近,當它纏住了我的腳和膝部後,身軀越變越大。”“我一點也不害怕,本能地意識到這是向我表明,我對人生的理解,是多麼的淺薄。蛇逐漸纏上了我的胸部,我看見了蛇的頭,但看不見它的眼睛。蛇的眼睛正凝視著東方。這時,蛇變得像男人的手臂那樣粗。我靜靜地觀察著,它慢慢地轉過頭,兩眼盯著我,綠色的光芒裡凝聚著無窮無盡的智慧。雖然我的房間一片漆黑,可這時變得異常明亮,蛇 (xijinping)身黃黑相間,非常鮮豔。碩大的下顎像是一座縮小的金字塔。這蛇沒有發出任何聲響,但我能意識到它正告訴我,有許許多多的東西值得我去學習掌握。







第四個幻象,在她一生中最有意義的幻象,出現於 1962年2月5日早晨日出前。根據<世紀的預言>書中記載此幻象如下,珍妮看見從太陽的光芒中,出現了一位埃及法老王后妮弗緹緹(Nefertiti)手牽手走出來。王后另一手抱著一個嬰兒,身著破舊污穢的衣服與這對法老王后衣冠楚楚,形成強烈對比。這個嬰兒 眼眸是無所不知的,他充滿著智慧和知識。出現了一位埃及法老在王后的一邊,珍妮看見了一座金字塔,此時這對法老王后已經向前走近來,把嬰孩捧送前來似乎要獻給全世界。就在太陽裏面,狄克森夫人又看見了約瑟(Joseph),像是拉著木偶線般的戲人,正操縱著這個動人的木偶戲畫面。這時光線就從嬰兒身上發散出來,和太陽的光芒混合起來,把埃及法老遮沒不見了。在左邊,珍妮看見了妮弗緹緹王后正走入千萬里外的過去。終於王后停住在一個褐色的大水瓶旁邊,屈身用雙手捧水來喝,這時卻被一支短劍刺中背心,珍妮能清楚聽見,王后消失前死亡的呻吟。

珍妮又把她的目光移到嬰兒身上,他現在長大成人了,原先出現在他頭頂上的十字架,現在 十字架也開始 越變越擴大,直到 十字架它從四面八方落向地球。就在這時候,一切種族,宗教,膚色之人都跪在他跟前,高舉雙手環繞著他,他們宛如成為一體。和以前的幻象不同,這個幻象越來越接近珍妮,終於把她給溶入其中,一起加入膜拜的行列。那時珍妮覺得像一粒將要發芽 成長的種子一樣,但是她只是千百萬個相同種子之一,珍妮心裡十分明白,這正是智慧的開端!











最近更新在 週三, 21 四月 2021 05:18