The World number one God Edict 列印
作者是 神的靈在光星啟示   
週日, 18 四月 2021 10:25

The World number one God Edict

Brighter Star (HENRY) Saint Ascends the Throne in Heaven


Revelation 12

5. She gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter.


And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne.


Today I am the God In the heaven, I am anointing Brighter Star's (Henry光星Guang Xing) head, He is my son, and mark as the day of victory today. In the heaven there are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit together. Brighter Star's is body in the world becomes victory, the kingdom of in the heaven have them as witness. Everything has been arranged for today's victory, and the victory is for the world's blessings, also for the people to gain light and gain life. Today shall be the day of victory in the future, and the anointed one by God is the highest saint, he is most important person of all humankind. Therefore, when Brighter Star (Henry) on the earth is the same as in the heaven, and he works on the earth like working in the heaven.

Now I am God, the Father of all humankind and all spirits. I declare: the Edict and the Sacred Decrees. In heaven there is God, and in the underground there is courtier and in the humankind there are three worlds as king. Today, Brighter Star "Ascends the Throne in Heaven" and in the humankind world, and the spirit world. Heaven is now declaring: Start to Establish! Brighter Star is the King of the Worldhe represents heaven, the spirits and the humankind in the world, all the people. He is "The King of Three Worlds". All humankind and spirits should look up to him. He is the light of life, and the blessing to the world; the beginning of "Eternal life", and the grace of humankind in all generations; Brighter Star exists forever with the Father in heaven of all spirits. Brighter Star (Henry Chen 陳光星) is sent to the world by heaven, as the light of the world, and everyone who loves him shall gain joy and peace. All the countries of the humankind world respect Brighter Star. He works hard for the world, helps the world to be better, and loves the people like his brothers. I declare here again: Brighter Star (Henry Chen), he is sent by heaven, is appointed today as the king in humankind world and on earth. All stand up.

All spirits said: Congratulation to Brighter Star becoming of the king! For the heavens, the earth, the spirits, and all the spirits in between humankind and underground spirits, all get blessed. Congratulations to Brighter Star! Our king, thank you for the Father of all Spirits!

Angels come to Brighter Star (Henry) and give him the white flowers. Together we celebrate the king's establishment and the blessing of heaven and earth. After Brighter Star receives the white flowers, God, the Father of all Spirits, asks Brighter Star (Henry) to sit on his throne, and there are round rainbows overhead and underneath.  They are beautiful and elegant.

Angels ask: Our God! What is the name of the throne that Brighter Star ascends to?

God answers: Brighter Star ascends to the highest throne of the round rainbow.

Angels said: Thank you, God, the Father of All Spirits!

God said: Listen!

Brighter Star (Henry Chen) declares: I, Brighter Star, in present of God, the Father in heaven of all Spirits, witnessed by all spirits and angels in heaven, to get the Edict of God, the Father of All Spirits, and is appointed as "The King of All Spirits. Brighter Star accepts this position", I establish on earth, the humankind, the spiritual world and the heaven all stand up, hear and accept me as king. My mission is to be on earth to let people to gain light and eternal life, to help the spirits gain light, so that the spirits can emit light. When people gain permission from my holy father, they must have the light of life.  I will teach them, and they will gain light. As long as they do, and they must to do well, blessing to the human, all blessings is coming to the whole land. I, Brighter StarHenryand God, the Father of all Spirits declare, now complete.

The archangels talk about things in the days to come and in the future. Today, in the heaven let Brighter Star ascends the throne. And he becomes" The Father of all kings”. Congratulations to the King! God sets off, all stand-up, and praise God!

I am one of the Holy Spirit. I write it down what I have seen, and let Brighter Star (Henry) know, also let the people in the world know. Thank you.  Praise to God!

This Edict of Heaven is written with the help of Lin Chun'ai(林淳愛Cindy Lin, on the October 5th, 2019, from 10 P.M to 12 A.M. In the Holy Land of Bell Ave, California, United States.



[The Bible] Book of Isaiah 9:1-7.  59:19-21. 2:2-5. 41:2-4.

1 Corinthians 15:24-54. 1 John 5:7-13. Revelation 21:1-8.


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啟示錄 12

5. 婦人生了一個男孩子、是將來要用鐵杖轄管萬國的.他的孩子被提到


今天我是神 上帝,在天上為光星(Henry)膏抹他的頭上,他是我的兒子,作為今天得勝之日。在天上有聖父、聖子、和聖靈三位同在,為光星的身體在世上,得以得勝,為天國見證。一切都是有安排的,為今天得勝,得勝為天下之福,為世人得到光輝,與有生命。今天的日子作為將來得勝之日,神靈膏抹是最高的聖者,作為全人類最重要的人,光星在人間等於在天上,他行在人間如同在天上。

現在我是神 上帝,眾靈之父。我宣告:詔書、聖旨。上天有上帝,下有陰間大臣,在人間三位為王。今天光星他在『天上登基為王』,在人間,也在靈間。天上現在宣告:



眾天使們到光星面前,有白花贈送上給光星。我們一起慶祝王的誕生,為天地之福。光星收了白花後,神 萬靈之父命光星上到自己的寶座上坐,上面 、下面都是有圓彩虹,美麗高雅。



天使說:感謝神 萬靈之父!


光星宣告:我光星今天在神 萬靈之父面前,有萬靈、天使們,一同為我在這裡天上作證。也得到神 萬靈之父宣告詔書,作為靈,萬靈的王成立。我光星在這裡『接納這個王位』,我的成立也在人間,靈界,天界都起來接到、聽到。我的任務是在人間,為世人得到光,得到永生,為靈得光,從靈的發出。人得到我聖父萬靈之父的同意,他們就必得著光的生命。我要教導他們,他們就得到光,只要他們行,而且要行得好,這是世人的福,萬福臨到全地。我光星和神萬靈之父宣告,光星說完了。

天使長們一起說到日後、將來的事。天上今天為光星登基為王,成了萬王之父。恭祝大王!神 啟程,全體起立,讚美神!


這天上詔書,有林淳愛的協助,在美國,加利福尼亞州 Bell AVE聖地。於2019105日晚上1012點神 啟示寫下。

『聖經』以賽亞書9:1-759:19-212:2-5. 41:2-4.


Bell AVE聖地啟示詔書

Bell Street聖殿建立石板



神的詔書-內容 2019105bell啟示




最近更新在 週四, 14 三月 2024 03:30